Sunday, May 26, 2013

Pameran Botol Air Berkualitas InaBicycle 2013 - Tradeshow At InaBicycle 2013 by PT. Macindo Swadesi

PT. Macindo Swadesi (Hydration Division) participating at Indonesia Bicycle and Sport trade show in Jakarta Convention Center 2013. "With over 830 point of sales nationwide, our products are available in many places, but we would like to add more retailers outside Jakarta and Jabodetabek area, there are many retailers that we have not reached" ~ said Santoso Suratso. Macindo is exclusive distributor for Nalgene, Polar Bottle, Kor Water, Sigg, La Gourmet and many more including Nike hydration and Meyer products.

 For this 4 days event, we distribute over 5000 of brochures and make contacts with thousands of buyers and potential retailers.
 Macindo small booth always crowded from morning to evening at all days, always! We give promotions to walk in customers to promote using quality water bottle for their hydration and to care for green environtment.

macindo sponsors various events (bicycle) for the following brands - macindo, sigg, nalgene, kor, polar bottle

Aktivitias Sehat

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Botol Dibelah Dua Agar Anda Melihat Kenapa Botol Air Minum Nalgene (Buatan USA) ini Terbaik

Foto dibawah adalah gambar botol Nalgene Widemouth (seri paling laku) dibelah dua, retail price di Indonesia R0.177.000,- dan dapat dibeli di Gramedia dan ratusan outlet lain. Tampak boleh sama dengan botol murah, namun detail dan kualitas produk tidak sama, silakan baca sendiri kenapa botol buatan Amerika ini diminati begitu banyak orang di dunia dan Indonesia. Bahkan mendapat penghargaan "Gold Choice" di kalangan Outdoor fans.

PT. Macindo Swadesi adalah distributor Nalgene di Indonesia tel. 21-5494049 atau email, kunjungi

Monday, May 20, 2013

Botol Air Minum Bahaya dan Yang Aman?

Banyak botol air minum berkualitas rendah dipakai di Indonesia (lebih dari 95%), sering botol air minum yang dipakai murah namun mengandung racun BPA yang dapat menyebabkan kanker. Apa kesehatan kita begitu murah untuk dihemat? Beli botol air minum yang paling baik, itu penting, mendingan hemat atas sepatu yang lebih murah atau baju yang lebih murah, tapi jangan sekali-kali atas botol air untuk minum.